

In spiritual healing, vibration is everything in the universe, including people, objects, thoughts, and emotions, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Higher vibrations are associated with positive emotions and states of being, such as love, peace, and joy, while lower vibrations correspond to negative emotions like fear, anger, or sadness.
Here’s a breakdown of how vibration is understood in the context of spiritual healing:
1. Energy and Frequency: Every person, thought, and emotion carries a unique energy frequency. Spiritual healing often aims to raise one’s vibration, or energetic frequency, to align with higher states of being. Practices such as meditation, sound healing, Reiki, and mindfulness are often used to clear energy blockages and raise vibration.
2. Healing Low Vibrations: Lower vibrational states are imbalances in one’s emotional, mental, or even physical health. Spiritual healers often work to help individuals raise their vibration by clearing negative energies, traumas, or emotional blockages, helping them return to balance and harmony.
3. Resonance: There’s a concept called “resonance”, where the energy or vibration of one person can affect another. Healers, for example, try to elevate their vibration to create a healing resonance that influences and lifts the energy of others.
4. Manifestation and the Law of Attraction: High vibration is also associated with manifestation practices. The Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like, meaning that the energy you emit (your vibration) attracts similar energies into your life. To attract positive experiences, one is encouraged to maintain a high vibrational state.
In summary, vibration is about the quality of your energy and how tuning into higher vibrations can promote healing, harmony, and alignment with one’s higher self.